Monday, September 19, 2011

Favorite Picture of the Moment

This picture somewhat freaks me out, but it's cool. I wonder how the photographer got this picture.

Saturday, March 26, 2011



okay... That was random.. but that picture looks good...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hate List

Waking up EARLY in the morning

My brother

Farmville/Cityville requests


Being patient

“Please Wait” signs

Long lines

Annoying people (I DON’T hate myself)

Most bugs (especially brown ones)


Losing on games

When I lose my glasses (‘Coz then I need my glasses to find my glasses)

Ball flying toward my face (including beach balls, except plush balls)

Boring movies

Bieber Hater

TTB (Teacher Talk Backers)

People who think they’re soooooooooooo important

People who think they’re smart

People who use “’Cause I can” as a comeback (face the fact that you LOST)

Being ignored.

But of course on top of it all, is that the fact that that glass of water is half FULL! :)

Mucho Love to All:)


Monday, February 21, 2011


Here are some pictures I took because I've been bored. A lot of times so... yeah..


Okay... It's waaaaaaayy past new year, but I haven't been blogging since last year so, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Yeah. I know. It's February. Wait. HAPPY PRESIDENT's DAY! How's your day? Mine sucks. I have to go to school. On President's Day. Oh well. Welcome to my blog anyway:)